Repentance Considerations – Doctrine of Discovery

Repentance Considerations – Doctrine of Discovery

Based upon the information presented in chapters one to three, which specifically relates to the Doctrine of Discovery, following are several points to consider when identifying with the sins of our spiritual fathers, standing in the gap, and repenting for their sins. 

We the church should repent for:
  • The various Pope’s and their assumption that the crusades were justified based upon the theory of “Just War” – to justify the killing of thousands of Muslims – being drawn into a unholy war – instead of fighting in the spirit through prayer – and moving in the flesh to fight our battles –
  • Using the “Just War” theory as a basis for a doctrine that evolved into a license for lawlessness, murder, deception, stealing, enslaving non-Christians, maiming innocents, misrepresenting the name of the Lord, and other criminal activities – 
  • Deceiving hundreds of thousands of ignorant men by telling they’d go straight to heaven if they died during their participation in the crusades – making void the only way to salvation through the sacrifice Jesus Christ – convincing them that dying on the battle field doing what they thought was good works – would get them to heaven – for misleading ignorant men who put their faith in the Pope’s supposed relationship with God – and instead causing them to die in their sins –
  • Sowing the seed that gave Satan the legal right and leverage to one day use the Islamic faith to wage holy war (Jihad) against western Christian nations – (remember whatever you sow so shall you reap) – sowing seeds of bitterness, sorrow, grief, and loss in the hearts of the Muslim people – for giving Satan ammunition to use to create strife and division throughout the centuries – and eventually for Muslims to view Christianity and Christians as their moral enemies.  
  • Agreeing with hell and causing the church to enter into a covenant with death – opening the door for Satan’s agents to minister death in its various forms to the people of God – for hindering God’s people from attaining the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus – 
  • Opening the gates for lawlessness to flow through the church and into the world’s communities – for paving the way for lawlessness to gain a foothold in the hearts and minds of men and to be promoted in the earth. 
  • Breaking the following commandments:
    • You shall not murder – for maiming, enslaving and committing mass murder and genocide, killing hundreds of thousands in Hispaniola, Cuba, Guatemala, and many other indigenous nations. 
    • You shall no steal – for stealing the inheritance of many indigenous nations, robbing them of the resources and opportunities God ordained for them to fulfill their redemptive purpose and destiny – for aligning with God’s enemies to do great harm to those Jesus died for – 
    • You shall not bear false witness – deceiving ourselves into to believing that we were superior to non-Christians and then convincing the lost that they were inferior and therefore could not have access to the opportunities, privileges, and blessings that we considered as our God-given right – 
    • You shall not covet – for plundering the gold, silver, riches and wealth God had set aside for the indigenous nations, for the sole purpose of ensuring our coffers were full and guaranteeing that we would not suffer lack - for thrusting the indigenous people and their future generations into the depths of poverty
    • You shall not take the Lord’s name in vain – for misrepresenting the goodness and grace of God to the nations – so much so that God’s name and reputation were slandered by the devil – which undermined the honor, value, and glory due God’s name – causing His name to become worthless, with it having no authority or value among the nations victimized and oppressed by those who claim to represent His church -  
  • Launching the trans-Atlantic slave trade – causing pain, suffering, and death to come upon the indigenous people groups forced into slavery – especially the African peoples.
  • Establishing and promoting global prejudice and discrimination – for treating the unsaved peoples as inferior and having little value – for treating them with distain and demonstrating pride and arrogance as godly virtues.
  • Stealing the land and resources God ordained for the people groups outside of Europe – for giving our spiritual enemies the leverage to one day take the land away from God’s people.
  • Thwarting and minimizing the sovereignty and governments of unbelieving nations – for forcing the indigenous nations into surrendering their God given sovereignty and causing them to lose their ability to be self-governing.
  • Violating the God-given rights of non-Christian people groups – for suppressing the first amendment rights of indigenous people in the Americas, Africa, and other unbelieving nations. 
  • Releasing the curse of Allah upon the earth – by transgressing God’s laws, changing His ordinances, and breaking His everlasting covenant – with Him and many other nations – through the self-centered, covetous, and godless behavior of our spiritual fathers – 
  • Establishing the foundation for the Knights Templers, Free Masonry, Knights of Malta and other secret societies – through the Crusades – introducing occult practices to the European nations and therefore allowing the infiltration of dark practices into the church – 
  • Positioning the nations for the spiritual and political advancement of the New World Order – through the theft of the gold, silver, and other precious resources and transferring this wealth to Europe – thus providing the Elites with opportunity to hoard this wealth to create for themselves positions of power – and the financial means to launch their Luciferian plan to control the nations of the world – 

© 10/12/2015 IGD/FNCM

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